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Working with children
What I do
I get to know your child and their specific needs. I meet with them on a one-to-one basis and work flexibly at their pace, making sure lessons are targeted, multi-sensory and lots of fun.
Given that repetition is so vital for dyslexics, I use a wide variety of reinforcement activities too! We work together in small, achievable steps to ensure that they experience success along the way and learn to embrace their mistakes.
A big focus for me is the child’s self-esteem and encouraging them to take risks with their learning in the future.
What I deliver
I offer an initial meeting and an introductory pack including parent and teacher questionnaires to be completed.
I guide your child through an engaging 90-minute assessment session to identify their long term learning needs and select the targets and success criteria likely to have the greatest impact on their academic progress.
I use these to create them a personalised learning plan and six, hour-long lessons designed to give them numerous multi-sensory opportunities to meet their success criteria and raise their self-esteem.
At the end of the six lessons, I re-assess them, summarise their progress and offer my recommendations for the future.
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